It matters what you believe (New Year address - Chester and Warrington)
A few years ago, I was doing some research on the Primitive Methodist movement in the United States and was amused by this rather serious editorial from the Primitive Methodist Journal: With some of the readers of the Journal the morning of their existence is gone, with others the noon has passed, while with others the night is at hand. Spring time has gone, the summer sun is setting, autumn days are passing, and the white frosts of life's winter has covered some of our heads. We sincerely wish the readers of the Journal a merry Christmas and a happy new year. There is something about this time of year that makes people serious and reflective. Christmas has now gone and any new year celebrations we had are behind us. Maybe that makes us sad or maybe we're relieved, maybe it was stressful. We have been through the indigestion of Christmas and we welcome the high-fibre, low-fat possibilities of a new year. I have long thought of January as a time of re-in...