So What?
It seems after just two entries, this blog has attracted some readers. I really appreciated those people who read the 'Strangers in a Strange Land' entry and got in touch to tell me about their experiences as Methodist-Unitarians, Catholic-Unitarians, Pagan Unitarians and so on. It is really good to hear so many parallel stories. However, by far the most read blog entry so far has been 'The Letter' which by pure coincidence I uploaded at the time of the British Methodist Conference. Somehow word got around, and suddenly I had lots of Methodist readers and a lengthy discussion took place on the UK Methodists Facebook page about whether it would have been appropriate for me to stay in the Methodist Church. For the most part, people's comments were polite and helpful and I was tempted to join in the conversation, for I had a few hopefully constructive things to say about the points raised. However, in the end I did not enter into correspondence because I thought t...